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kantarjiev: Hite Cove Trail Head
kantarjiev: Blue Dicks
kantarjiev: baby blue eyes (2)
kantarjiev: White Nemophila, Nemophila heterophylla
kantarjiev: Lupine, poppy, owl's clover
kantarjiev: California Poppy with goldfields
kantarjiev: Golden Brodiaea, triteleia ixioides
kantarjiev: Caterpillar Phacelia, Pacelia cicutaria
kantarjiev: Evening snow, Linantus dichotomus
kantarjiev: cant find this, with goldfields in the back
kantarjiev: Chinese Houses, Collinsia heterophylla
kantarjiev: Hogfennel, Lomatium utriculatum
kantarjiev: Baby blue eyes
kantarjiev: Wavy-leaved paintbrush, Castilleja applegati
kantarjiev: Pat on Hite cove trail
kantarjiev: Canyon liveforever, Dudleya cymosa
kantarjiev: California Thistle with friends
kantarjiev: California Thistle, Cirsium occidentale
kantarjiev: Western Redbud, Cercis occidentalis
kantarjiev: maybe coulter's jewel flower
kantarjiev: Catchfly, Silene californica
kantarjiev: checker lily or brown bells, Fritillaria micrantha