leverich1991: 1. A marsh at Quivira Wildlife Refuge, one of the largest areas of wetlands in Kansas, 11-17-07
leverich1991: 2. We were there very late in the season so there weren't many birds, but the wetlands were full of water, Quivira Wildlife Refuge, 11-17-07
leverich1991: 3. The Great Salt Marsh, the largest marsh in the refuge, Quivira Wildlife Refuge, 11-17-07
leverich1991: 4. This is what we came for - this was the largest group of birds we saw on the trip, on the Great Salt Marsh, Quivira Wildlife Refuge, 11-17-07
leverich1991: 5. As we left the refuge, I caugt a large group of birds in the air! Quivira Wildlife Refuge, 11-17-07
leverich1991: 6. Downtown Alden, in southwestern Rice County, 11-17-07
leverich1991: 7. Their grain elevator, Alden, 11-17-07
leverich1991: 8. Post office, Alden, 11-17-07
leverich1991: 9. Their cool bank building, Alden, 11-17-07