leverich1991: 1. Here's Sitka, a Clark County Ghost Town, Sitka, 6-17-07
leverich1991: 2. This rusted sign sits in front of empty lots that used to be the town, Sitka, 6-17-07
leverich1991: 3. The building on the right used to be their school and a restaurant, but is now abandoned. Not sure about the building on the left, Sitka, 6-17-07
leverich1991: 4. Their grain elevator, behind more empty lots that used to be the town, Sitka, 6-17-07
leverich1991: 5. Downtown Greensburg, the county seat of Kiowa County. This picture was taken just one month and two weeks after the Greensburg Tornado, Greensburg, 6-17-07
leverich1991: 6. My grandma, from nearby Bucklin, worked for years at the GTI John Deere store. This is what it looked like after the tornado, Greensburg, 6-17-07
leverich1991: 7. This was taken immediately east of the GTI store. By mid-June they had cleared most of the wreckage away, but it still looks eerie and empty, Greensburg, 6-17-07
leverich1991: 8. This house, right on US-54, illustrates how powerful the tornado was, Greensburg, 6-17-07