leverich1991: 1. The grain elevator at Castleton, a small town in southern Reno County, Castleton, 5-23-10
leverich1991: 2. Their tiny city park on the town's south side, Castleton, 5-23-10
leverich1991: 3. Their church on the west side of town, Castleton, 5-23-10
leverich1991: 4. Groveland, a McPherson County Ghost Town right on highway 61, Groveland, 5-23-10
leverich1991: 5. Their Christian church, Groveland, 5-23-10
leverich1991: 6. Their large grain elevator complex, Groveland, 5-23-10
leverich1991: 7. Downtown Durham, a Semi-Ghost town in Marion County, Durham, 5-23-10
leverich1991: 8. Their cool post office, Durham, 5-23-10
leverich1991: 9. Their grain elevator complex, Durham, 5-23-10
leverich1991: 10. Their old school, still in good shape, Durham, 5-23-10
leverich1991: 11. A church on the north side of town, Durham, 5-23-10
leverich1991: 12. Elmo, an impressive Dickinson County Ghost Town, Elmo, 5-23-10
leverich1991: 13. Elmo's downtown is almost completely gone, and what few buildings are left are long-abandoned, Elmo, 5-23-10
leverich1991: 14. This building appears to have been repurposed as an implement shed, Elmo, 5-23-10
leverich1991: 15. The landmark building in this Ghost Town is its very large Catholic Church, right on Highway 15, Elmo, 5-23-10
leverich1991: 16. An old tin elevator and a large grain silo on the north side of town, Elmo, 5-23-10
leverich1991: 17. Here is Holland, a hamlet in Dickinson County, Holland, 5-23-10