leverich1991: 1. An old school, north of Greenville, IL, 5-23-14
leverich1991: 2. Mississippi River, south of St. Louis, MO, 5-23-14
leverich1991: 3. Grand Falls, Missouri's largest waterfall, south of Joplin, MO, 5-26-14
leverich1991: 4. The Ghost Town of Englevale, in Crawford County, Englevale, 5-26-14
leverich1991: 5. An old stone business building, now used for storage, Englevale, 5-26-14
leverich1991: 6. An abandoned house in Englevale, 5-26-14
leverich1991: 7. More abandoned structures in Englevale, 5-26-14
leverich1991: 8. Coming into Fort Scott, KS from the south, 5-26-14
leverich1991: 9. Downtown Bronson, in western Bourbon county, Bronson, 5-26-14
leverich1991: 10. Their grain elevator, Bronson, 5-26-14
leverich1991: 11. A church near downtown, Bronson, 5-26-14
leverich1991: 12. Their small city park, Bronson, 5-26-14
leverich1991: 13. Downtown Iola, in Allen county, Iola, 5-26-14
leverich1991: 14. A cool clock in front of the Allen County Courthouse, Iola, 5-26-14