kankushok: rabbit
kankushok: american robin
kankushok: American robin
kankushok: Got it!
kankushok: White breasted nuthatch
kankushok: Framed Cardinal
kankushok: crow in flight
kankushok: carolina wren
kankushok: Carolina Chickadee
kankushok: Mute Swans
kankushok: Mallard
kankushok: Who you looking at?
kankushok: Mallard
kankushok: Mallard
kankushok: Junco
kankushok: Great Blue Heron
kankushok: squirrel
kankushok: Japanese White eye
kankushok: Gray Wagtail, Taiwan
kankushok: Woodpecker
kankushok: Night Heron
kankushok: Sparrows on the wire
kankushok: Japanese White Eye
kankushok: Kingfisher
kankushok: Mynah in flight
kankushok: Mynah on the wire
kankushok: Canada Goose
kankushok: Light Vented Bulbul, Pycnonotus Sinensis
kankushok: Winter Goldfinch