Karthik N Rao: Frame(Frame)
Karthik N Rao: Reflections
Karthik N Rao: And Then, They Walked Away
Karthik N Rao: A convex-ed view
Karthik N Rao: Tesla Wheels
Karthik N Rao: Asus Notebook
Karthik N Rao: Lines and added curves ;)
Karthik N Rao: Ordered Chaos
Karthik N Rao: Getting Spooky
Karthik N Rao: Storm Clouds...
Karthik N Rao: A trail of light
Karthik N Rao: Well, Light Also Takes The Road to Travel ;)
Karthik N Rao: Ghost House?
Karthik N Rao: Droplets of Light...
Karthik N Rao: Bloodstream...
Karthik N Rao: Its crazy...
Karthik N Rao: When Water Bleeds
Karthik N Rao: Troughs and Crests | Waves | Life
Karthik N Rao: Ghosts All Around..
Karthik N Rao: Reality & Reflection
Karthik N Rao: The Eyes See What they Want to See
Karthik N Rao: Break Away
Karthik N Rao: Barbeque Nation!
Karthik N Rao: Coated With Time
Karthik N Rao: Standing Against the Tides.
Karthik N Rao: Block The Harshness. See The Beauty.
Karthik N Rao: Smaller the frame, better the details.
Karthik N Rao: Urban Tamasha
Karthik N Rao: In a Different World!