Kamoteus (A New Beginning): disneyland boardwalk... orlando, florida
Kamoteus (A New Beginning): mary queen of the universe shrine... orlando
Kamoteus (A New Beginning): experimenting using sigma telephoto lens with long exposure... on the parking deck universal studios ;-)
Kamoteus (A New Beginning): wonderful world of macro... island adventure ;-)
Kamoteus (A New Beginning): at 10 degrees fahrenheit in the morning salem lake... two days after the snow!
Kamoteus (A New Beginning): LUBID... tagalog-kapampangan term for ROPE!
Kamoteus (A New Beginning): color of the nights... disneyland boardwalk orlando!
Kamoteus (A New Beginning): light up my light... happy wednesday evening to all of you... thursday morning to some of my friends... cheers!
Kamoteus (A New Beginning): frozen in time... bethabara village park in winston salem!
Kamoteus (A New Beginning): goodbye winter... it won't be long my friends... another perspective taken in bethabara village park in winston salem!
Kamoteus (A New Beginning): contrasting beauty... bethabara village park in winston salem, north carolina
Kamoteus (A New Beginning): as i've waited for the sun to shine...
Kamoteus (A New Beginning): and i've waited... there will be a day- "He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away."... a blessed weekend to all of you my friends!
Kamoteus (A New Beginning): Learning from the Master... Sir Tom at work... Historic Bethabara Village Park!
Kamoteus (A New Beginning): Master 'WT with sdaviator snipped from above by kamoteus ;-)... bethabara village park!
Kamoteus (A New Beginning): Bethabara Village House built in 1753... Winston Salem, North Carolina!
Kamoteus (A New Beginning): bethabara village park built in 1753 (18th Century)... outstanding beauty!
Kamoteus (A New Beginning): my family on this jurassic park ride... Island Adventure Orlando
Kamoteus (A New Beginning): titanium screw from the other side...
Kamoteus (A New Beginning): bokeh obra... title from my friend imohthep ;-)
Kamoteus (A New Beginning): at 15 sec exposure... universal studios boardwalk on the island adventure side...
Kamoteus (A New Beginning): as i travel east i will meet the sensei who's masterfully taking this kind of shots... Sensei 'Ge this might not be as a masterpiece like yours (shots) but i'm a grasshoper learning your ways ;-)
Kamoteus (A New Beginning): the garden village... historic reynolda park... thanks master 'WT !
Kamoteus (A New Beginning): simple beauty around us... sooc just framed and signed ;-)
Kamoteus (A New Beginning): mother and child... thanks and have a blessed sunday my friends!
Kamoteus (A New Beginning): the s curve in photography... SEXY ;-)
Kamoteus (A New Beginning): zoom.... zoom.... zoom.... how close, just this close!
Kamoteus (A New Beginning): Genesis eight verses seven to nine...
Kamoteus (A New Beginning): tres marias... enjoy your weekend my friends ;-)