KAMorin: A Beautiful thing to wake up to!
KAMorin: Long Shadows...
KAMorin: 'Wild' flower...
KAMorin: Teeny tiny purple flowers....and some teeny tiny bokeh
KAMorin: Yes purple again... :-)
KAMorin: Purple Yurple...
KAMorin: Red Popping Out!!!
KAMorin: Reaching Out....
KAMorin: The Last Flower of the Season....
KAMorin: Cosmokeh...
KAMorin: Chasing Butterflies...
KAMorin: Crazy Sunflower...
KAMorin: I Need This Today....
KAMorin: Painted Petals...
KAMorin: In the Waning Days of Fall... some Sunshine...
KAMorin: Sunset in the Day
KAMorin: Mum's the Word...
KAMorin: Little Miss Sunshine...
KAMorin: Heavenly Pink
KAMorin: Sunny Blue Sky...
KAMorin: Red Hot Dahlia for a Red Hot FRIDAY night!!!!!!!
KAMorin: Painted...
KAMorin: Gardening Experts I Need Your Help!!!
KAMorin: Lily A L'Orange...
KAMorin: I need PINK!
KAMorin: Red Circle...
KAMorin: RED HOT!!!!
KAMorin: Excuse Me.. Pardon Me.. So Sorry...
KAMorin: Right At Ya Babe...
KAMorin: Orange You Glad Monday is Almost Over???