dkammy: A for Abstract and B for Blue
dkammy: A for Abstract and B for Blue too
dkammy: Shroomy
dkammy: Swooooooosh
dkammy: Magic within the pages
dkammy: Splash
dkammy: Blue
dkammy: crystal ball
dkammy: Lovely Jubbly Bubbly
dkammy: eggcelent shadows
dkammy: Corners of art
dkammy: reflections of the curvature
dkammy: bending lines
dkammy: heaven's door
dkammy: condensed beauty...
dkammy: in the traffic
dkammy: peeling blue
dkammy: and circles
dkammy: lines...
dkammy: glass half distorted
dkammy: Purple Dream
dkammy: morning light
dkammy: walking on clouds