KAMEERU: 层层叠/Jenga
KAMEERU: 帝雉/Syrmaticus Mikado
KAMEERU: 光·悟/En-LIGHT-ment
KAMEERU: 牛津大学/University of Oxford
KAMEERU: 荷兰空中女王/The Queen from the Netherlands
KAMEERU: 道别美联航/Bid Farewell to United
KAMEERU: 人人都爱A380/Everybody Loves A380
KAMEERU: 德式法棍/German Baguette
KAMEERU: 长程皇后/Longreach Queen
KAMEERU: 十字长箭/Cross Arrow
KAMEERU: “十年后,你还会与我一起看飞机吗?”/"Will you spot the planes with me 10 years later?"
KAMEERU: 闲谈/Chit Chat
KAMEERU: 777原型机/777 Prototype
KAMEERU: 大韩皇后/The Queen of Korean Air
KAMEERU: 叮叮色九巴/KMB in Tram Colour
KAMEERU: 九巴色叮叮/Tram in KMB Colour
KAMEERU: 飞溅/Splash
KAMEERU: 留意青年/Look Out for YOUNG MAN
KAMEERU: 城市脉搏/Heartbeat of the City
KAMEERU: 站台/Platform
KAMEERU: 谋生不易/It's not Easy Making a Living
KAMEERU: 城市脉搏2/Heartbeat of the City II
KAMEERU: 红玫传情/Red Rose with Love
KAMEERU: 南非队/Team South Africa
KAMEERU: 台风预警/Typhoon Alert
KAMEERU: 天恒普兰/Neoplan to Tin Heng
KAMEERU: 777 for 777th
KAMEERU: 港岛一瞥/A Glimpse for Hong Kong Island