Michael Kalognomos: Even in the darkest places, there is light...
Michael Kalognomos: Each window, a different story...
Michael Kalognomos: Death isn't always dressed in black...
Michael Kalognomos: Hold my hand...
Michael Kalognomos: Sometimes the wheel turns slowly, but it turns...
Michael Kalognomos: Canvas or building?
Michael Kalognomos: I will survive...
Michael Kalognomos: Dragons are guarding mankind's richest treasure...
Michael Kalognomos: Ι want to break free...
Michael Kalognomos: Fed with souls...
Michael Kalognomos: Oh no, not again...
Michael Kalognomos: Keep the streets emprty...for me...
Michael Kalognomos: Soulless vs soulful face
Michael Kalognomos: Red (Bernatek) bridge
Michael Kalognomos: Never again...
Michael Kalognomos: Under the cross...