Peli Cans: Against all odds
Peli Cans: watery food
Peli Cans: Hair today
Peli Cans: It's not unusual...
Peli Cans: The tweflth of never
Peli Cans: Prickly light
Peli Cans: Up, up and away
Peli Cans: You Keep Me Hangin' On
Peli Cans: prickly pear
Peli Cans: Stairway to heaven
Peli Cans: cute cat
Peli Cans: Daisy, Daisy
Peli Cans: The Magic Flute
Peli Cans: My Monet
Peli Cans: gEoMETRiCS
Peli Cans: Two Pears...naturally
Peli Cans: Honky Cat
Peli Cans: Worth Two in the Bush
Peli Cans: lazy days of summer
Peli Cans: Who'll Stop The Rain
Peli Cans: I'll Be Watching You
Peli Cans: Zig-zag
Peli Cans: Buddies
Peli Cans: Toes were the days, my friends...
Peli Cans: Car Cemetery
Peli Cans: Uneasy Rider
Peli Cans: Spaghetti Western
Peli Cans: Say, old man can you play the fiddle?
Peli Cans: Don't Think Twice...