kalevkevad: Park instead of parking!
kalevkevad: Wrapped in yellow
kalevkevad: Grass instead of cars!
kalevkevad: Here will be grass instead of cars!
kalevkevad: Park instead of parking!
kalevkevad: Grass instead of cars!
kalevkevad: Eigerøy lighthouse
kalevkevad: Golden Rain by Michael Petry
kalevkevad: Golden Rain by Michael Petry
kalevkevad: Golden Rain by Michael Petry
kalevkevad: Sonic Vista
kalevkevad: Camping Women
kalevkevad: Map of the Geopark
kalevkevad: Jumping over the guests
kalevkevad: All the VIPs take a walk arond Geoparken
kalevkevad: Pipe hurdles
kalevkevad: Bicycle jump
kalevkevad: Oil and energy minister Åslaug Haga declares the Geopark opened
kalevkevad: Graffiti and pipes
kalevkevad: Listening to the speeches
kalevkevad: New art in Sandnes
kalevkevad: Sonic Vista Mosvannparken
kalevkevad: Sonic Vista Ullandhaug
kalevkevad: Sonic Vista - Contemporary music in open air
kalevkevad: Flower Tower
kalevkevad: Flower Tower
kalevkevad: Manifest - What do you believe in?
kalevkevad: The Wishing Well
kalevkevad: Streams
kalevkevad: The Wishing Well dance contest