Kaleo Ching:
Faces of Your Soul
Kaleo Ching:
"Midwife" by Elise Dirlam Ching
Kaleo Ching:
Maskmaking: Kaleo
Kaleo Ching:
Faces of Your Soul: Rashidah and Naomi
Kaleo Ching:
Faces of Your Soul: Rashidah and Naomi
Kaleo Ching:
Faces of Your Soul: Rashidah and Naomi
Kaleo Ching:
Faces of Your Soul: Naomi
Kaleo Ching:
Faces of Your Soul: Jo An
Kaleo Ching:
Faces of Your Soul: Carol
Kaleo Ching:
Faces of Your Soul: Kathleen
Kaleo Ching:
Faces of Your Soul: Latonia
Kaleo Ching:
Faces of Your Soul: Latonia and Jo An
Kaleo Ching:
Faces of Your Soul: Latonia and Jo An
Kaleo Ching:
Faces of Your Soul: Latonia and Jo An
Kaleo Ching:
Faces of Your Soul: Latonia and Jo An
Kaleo Ching:
Faces of Your Soul: Carol and Ceylan
Kaleo Ching:
Faces of Your Soul: Cat
Kaleo Ching:
Sharing the Maskmaking Journey: A "Faces of Your Soul" Teacher's Manual
Kaleo Ching:
Faces of Your Soul: Rituals in Art, Maskmaking, and Guided Imagery with Ancestors, Spirit Guides, and Totem Animals
Kaleo Ching:
Chi and Creativity: Vital Energy and Your Inner Artist
Kaleo Ching:
Learn to Teach Maskmaking: Making the mask mold