Carla Cherchi: Drifting away
Carla Cherchi: IMG_9143ab
Carla Cherchi: Concentration gradient
Carla Cherchi: IMG_8096a
Carla Cherchi: Reflection of leaves in a water bubble
Carla Cherchi: Heart hanging from a thread
Carla Cherchi: Oil drops in water
Carla Cherchi: IMG_8024ab
Carla Cherchi: The conservation of momentum
Carla Cherchi: Geometry III
Carla Cherchi: Geometry
Carla Cherchi: Elliptical orbit
Carla Cherchi: Newton's cradle
Carla Cherchi: The follower
Carla Cherchi: Ring around the Rosie
Carla Cherchi: The disciples
Carla Cherchi: Point of no return
Carla Cherchi: Electrical double layer
Carla Cherchi: The thin red line
Carla Cherchi: In a lonely walk
Carla Cherchi: Release
Carla Cherchi: Life in a golden bubble
Carla Cherchi: In a fragile world
Carla Cherchi: Planetarium with marbles and water
Carla Cherchi: Sadness of a proboscis man - Creature from a fountain