Carla Cherchi: Fluidity
Carla Cherchi: Musa in her graceful dance
Carla Cherchi: Fish in and out of water
Carla Cherchi: Danielle and the blue Cortona sky
Carla Cherchi: Decoupling of fish
Carla Cherchi: Perpendicular twins
Carla Cherchi: Danielle around Kevin
Carla Cherchi: Danielle
Carla Cherchi: Raffypap, to the left
Carla Cherchi: Diverging fish
Carla Cherchi: Raffypap looking for mating, but ignored
Carla Cherchi: Raffypap, to the right
Carla Cherchi: Musa wagging her tail
Carla Cherchi: Luca e Filippa
Carla Cherchi: My new baby
Carla Cherchi: Tropical fish which won't last long
Carla Cherchi: Sharing moments
Carla Cherchi: Carla & Francesco, brothers
Carla Cherchi: Vanni & Lauren
Carla Cherchi: Giorgio, Elia e Ciano
Carla Cherchi: Leaving tail
Carla Cherchi: Nemo in black