Kaja.A: za nepremiero: nečokoladni gledališki list! for the non-premiere: non-chocolate theatre-play introduction!
Kaja.A: za premiero: čokoladni gledališki list! for the premiere: chocolate theatre-play introduction!
Kaja.A: deklica se zbudi. the girl wakes up.
Kaja.A: deklica najde plastik fantastik ptiča in zaklad. the girl finds a plastic fantastic bird and a treasure.
Kaja.A: deklica si izmisli sladkega kralja. the girl invents a sweet king.
Kaja.A: deklica sestavi cukreni grad. the girl constructs a candy castle.
Kaja.A: deklica sestavi in odpihne sladki vrt. the girl constructs and blows away a sweet garden.
Kaja.A: deklica sestavi keksov gozd. the girl constructs a cookie forrest.
Kaja.A: deklica sestavi origami slavca. the girl constructs an origami nightingale.
Kaja.A: sladki kralj najde srce. the sweet king discovers a heart.
Kaja.A: sladki kralj briše pujsa. the sweet king erasing a pig.
Kaja.A: sladki kralj izve za slavca. the sweet king gets to know about the nightingale.
Kaja.A: sladki kralj in brencelj. the sweet king and a fly.
Kaja.A: sladki kralj in pajek. the sweet king and a spider.
Kaja.A: sladki kralj in morje. the sweet king and the sea.
Kaja.A: sladki kralj in ribe. the sweet king and the fish.
Kaja.A: sladki kralj in alge. the sweet king and the algae.
Kaja.A: sladki kralj in kravica. the sweet king and a cow.
Kaja.A: sladki kralj zagleda luknjo. the sweet king sees a hole.
Kaja.A: v luknji je strah. there is fear in the hole.
Kaja.A: sladki kralj napihne čoln. the sweet king blows up a boat.
Kaja.A: sladki kralj ujame slavca. the sweet king catches the nightingale.
Kaja.A: sladki kralj in jadro. the sweet king and a sail.
Kaja.A: slavec v kletki ne poje. the nightingale in a cage does not sing.
Kaja.A: slavec odleti iz kletke. the nightingale flies out of the cage.
Kaja.A: plastik fantastik ptič vrže kralja v psihedelijo. the plastic fantastic bird throws the king into psichadely.
Kaja.A: sladki kralj, blodnje in smrt. the sweet king, nightmares and death.
Kaja.A: slavec reši kralja. the nightingale saves the king.
Kaja.A: slavec kaže kralju, kako postati pojoči kralj. the nightingale shows the king how to turn into a singing king.
Kaja.A: slavec kaže kralju, kako postati pojoči kralj. the nightingale shows the king how to turn into a singing king.