Kaize Topaz: Go ahead ... Cuff me
Kaize Topaz: Wherever U are, U know I am here
Kaize Topaz: Not even a glare can stop me from looking at you
Kaize Topaz: Off the Mud
Kaize Topaz: Remembering You
Kaize Topaz: Endless yearning for you
Kaize Topaz: Saving a Spot for you
Kaize Topaz: Ease out
Kaize Topaz: Warmth on my cheeks
Kaize Topaz: Don't touch my dog
Kaize Topaz: Needing a head gear
Kaize Topaz: Reminiscing the night before
Kaize Topaz: Let's go Darling
Kaize Topaz: After the takedown
Kaize Topaz: I know where to find you
Kaize Topaz: Doing pretty good down here
Kaize Topaz: hmmm... was supposed to do something...
Kaize Topaz: Drifting with a drifter
Kaize Topaz: Thoughts in awe of your beauty
Kaize Topaz: Lurking on the streets
Kaize Topaz: I'll take a stand
Kaize Topaz: A moment of serenity
Kaize Topaz: As I was...eased up
Kaize Topaz: Breezy days
Kaize Topaz: To wherever you are
Kaize Topaz: Heaven Help me
Kaize Topaz: Alright Now
Kaize Topaz: Frozen hands now mr snowman
Kaize Topaz: Anticipation
Kaize Topaz: Change anyone