kaiyen: stand of trees
kaiyen: stone benches
kaiyen: seat beneath the trees
kaiyen: Golden Gate Bridge from the toll plaza
kaiyen: Golden Gate Bridge aglow
kaiyen: water tower at dusk
kaiyen: plane at rest
kaiyen: glassy bay waters
kaiyen: water tower
kaiyen: found on road dead
kaiyen: Polaris, star trails, and a bit of dust on the negative
kaiyen: Palace of Fine Arts
kaiyen: columns in reflection
kaiyen: barn door handle
kaiyen: door with hasp
kaiyen: warm sun on wood and building
kaiyen: hook
kaiyen: high voltage
kaiyen: power plant
kaiyen: Presidio street
kaiyen: Presidio Internet Archive
kaiyen: sheridan and ord
kaiyen: side stairs
kaiyen: not the wheelchair entrance
kaiyen: shopping cart at the air force base
kaiyen: bbq chain gang
kaiyen: shadows and shapes
kaiyen: hanger on the side
kaiyen: down the road
kaiyen: sunset in Paso Robles