Kaixu: 宾馆|hotel
Kaixu: 湖与竹林|pool and bamboos
Kaixu: 护国寺|Huguo temple
Kaixu: 匾额|stele
Kaixu: 庭院|courtyard
Kaixu: 屋顶|roof
Kaixu: 奇怪的石头|strange stoneware
Kaixu: 大黄桷树|big banyan
Kaixu: 墙头树|tree on the wall
Kaixu: 檐|eaves
Kaixu: 宋代的火药兵工厂|arm-shop of gunpowder in Song Dynasty
Kaixu: "水彩"|"water color"
Kaixu: 摩崖石刻|carved cliff
Kaixu: 千佛壁|Cliff of Thousand Buddhas
Kaixu: 悬空卧佛|hanging reclined Buddha
Kaixu: 钓鱼台|fishing platform
Kaixu: 石墙|rocky wall
Kaixu: 芭蕉|Chinese banana
Kaixu: 树上的黄色苔藓|yellow moss on a tree
Kaixu: 我喜欢的小屋|I like this hut
Kaixu: 看下面的描述|read the description for the details
Kaixu: 变秋|turning autumn