kaiti: Water-lines on the neighbor's fence
kaiti: Water-lines on the neighbor's fence
kaiti: Working on Geraldine's house
kaiti: Outside Geraldine's House
kaiti: Cleaning Out
kaiti: calendar (it's January now)
kaiti: Cleaning Out
kaiti: mold...
kaiti: Down the Street...trying to rebuild
kaiti: a couch cushion on a fence
kaiti: i think this is the bottom of a refridgerator
kaiti: a house
kaiti: a mailbox
kaiti: cars
kaiti: cars
kaiti: a pink shoe
kaiti: the first floor is kind of missing
kaiti: a lost toy
kaiti: something
kaiti: a barge in a neighborhood
kaiti: a once-was fence
kaiti: pieces
kaiti: a once-was bathroom
kaiti: lonely red apron
kaiti: a house or two
kaiti: a pile of house pieces
kaiti: more rubble
kaiti: a lost stroller
kaiti: a roof with no house
kaiti: muddy ground