Peanut Kaiser Chiefs: Kirkstall Abbey. Calm.
Peanut Kaiser Chiefs: Whitey & Barney at soundcheck on the Friday
Peanut Kaiser Chiefs: Willie & Ilias @ Kirkstall Abbey
Peanut Kaiser Chiefs: The Neat about to go onstage at Kirkstall Abbey
Peanut Kaiser Chiefs: Kirkstall Abbey
Peanut Kaiser Chiefs: Do not pass go, do not collect £200
Peanut Kaiser Chiefs: Simon @ Kirkstall Abbey
Peanut Kaiser Chiefs: Saturday crowd @ Kirkstall Abbey
Peanut Kaiser Chiefs: The Cribs on Sunday @ Kirkstall Abbey
Peanut Kaiser Chiefs: Sunday crowd @ Kirkstall Abbey
Peanut Kaiser Chiefs: I definitely meant this shot to include the drumstick. Definitely.
Peanut Kaiser Chiefs: 'Kinda Girl You Are' videoshoot 1
Peanut Kaiser Chiefs: 'Kinda Girl You Are' videoshoot 2
Peanut Kaiser Chiefs: 'Kinda Girl You Are' videoshoot 3
Peanut Kaiser Chiefs: Thanks, girls. You were great!
Peanut Kaiser Chiefs: Kaiser Chiefs and a Mini
Peanut Kaiser Chiefs: Rehearsing 'On The Run' with Stephen Street @ Old Chapel
Peanut Kaiser Chiefs: Nick & Simon recording 'On The Run' with Stephen Street @ British Grove Studios
Peanut Kaiser Chiefs: Whitey recording 'On The Run' @ British Grove Studios
Peanut Kaiser Chiefs: Recording 'On The Run' with Stephen Street @ British Grove Studios