Kaiola: can you see those kites over Helsinki
Kaiola: shades
Kaiola: dressed up for a feast
Kaiola: it's all bubbles
Kaiola: I me mine
Kaiola: sconto
Kaiola: shadowplay
Kaiola: happiness is a warm gun
Kaiola: crossing
Kaiola: yellow spots just wanted to be there
Kaiola: waiting for the sun to melt all that hasn't even arrived yet
Kaiola: black as night and all the other things one could be afraid of
Kaiola: may I introduce?
Kaiola: hand in a glove
Kaiola: let it roll
Kaiola: rage in the cage
Kaiola: this year's model
Kaiola: walk don't run
Kaiola: Adam's apple didn't catch fire
Kaiola: coming from the dark
Kaiola: serious support
Kaiola: manflu
Kaiola: it's happening again
Kaiola: the natural order of things
Kaiola: sweet maps
Kaiola: red square
Kaiola: save it for a rainy day
Kaiola: drowning by numbers
Kaiola: how to fight the loneliness