Kaijsa: in the parking lot
Kaijsa: getting ready to go
Kaijsa: more pretty
Kaijsa: It's all pretty
Kaijsa: wow
Kaijsa: making a plan?
Kaijsa: smiles
Kaijsa: 2.2 miles to the peak
Kaijsa: more pretty
Kaijsa: what's everybody pointing at?
Kaijsa: boys look at scenery
Kaijsa: Elsa
Kaijsa: checking the view
Kaijsa: Meggie
Kaijsa: Rick
Kaijsa: finally, a smile
Kaijsa: wonder
Kaijsa: Elsa enjoys the view
Kaijsa: Meggie checks the wound
Kaijsa: Peter's wound
Kaijsa: the injury
Kaijsa: Peter
Kaijsa: R makes sure we pack out our trash
Kaijsa: lunch
Kaijsa: lunch
Kaijsa: mmm, manchego and fig paste!
Kaijsa: Peter with PBJ
Kaijsa: Elsa with cherries
Kaijsa: Rick eats lunch
Kaijsa: hole!