antgirl: Every day, more gets taken away
antgirl: Mammoth mushroom
antgirl: Nibblers and borers at work
antgirl: Down to the basement
antgirl: On board
antgirl: On time
antgirl: Lloyd's building double
antgirl: From the lift
antgirl: From the ground
antgirl: Smoke
antgirl: Pow!
antgirl: Antlers
antgirl: Frog
antgirl: Another frog
antgirl: All sideways
antgirl: Trails up
antgirl: Orange lines
antgirl: Tall crane
antgirl: Building tower
antgirl: V&A from over the road
antgirl: Best buttons
antgirl: Coffee pots, mainly
antgirl: Model of portable audio kit
antgirl: Big speaker
antgirl: Good design is unobtrusive
antgirl: Good design is aesthetic
antgirl: Good design makes a product understandable
antgirl: Dieter Ram's 10 design principles...
antgirl: Good design is innovative
antgirl: Good design is honest