kai.e.g.: Supermarket Raid (target acquired)
kai.e.g.: Faló
kai.e.g.: The Albanians Play Dominos in the Park on Saturday Mornings
kai.e.g.: This is Not Springtime
kai.e.g.: Making Hay [Bales]
kai.e.g.: Poffabro
kai.e.g.: Forward Ho, Garibaldi!
kai.e.g.: Festa del Redentore, Venezia
kai.e.g.: If you step here, the whole world will light up
kai.e.g.: Biennale di Venezia
kai.e.g.: Circus Come and Gone
kai.e.g.: Selva di Cadore (Civetta)
kai.e.g.: Grand Canal, Venezia
kai.e.g.: Old Mill at Refrontolo