kahunapulej: Stained glass and ornate altar
kahunapulej: High gothic cieling
kahunapulej: Massive pipe organ
kahunapulej: Nice buildings
kahunapulej: U-turn in Marburg
kahunapulej: Marburg train station
kahunapulej: Crucifix in Marburg
kahunapulej: Gothic cathedral exterior
kahunapulej: Michael in Marburg
kahunapulej: Die Marburger Elizabethkirche
kahunapulej: Barefoot street
kahunapulej: More Marburg buildings
kahunapulej: Marburg Town Hall Clock
kahunapulej: Buildings in Marburg
kahunapulej: Spider-man
kahunapulej: Elizabethkirche front door
kahunapulej: Twin Gothic Steeples
kahunapulej: Marburg train station
kahunapulej: Marburg Town Hall Clock closeup
kahunapulej: Michael at Landgrafenschloss
kahunapulej: Underground Synagogue entrance
kahunapulej: Cobblestone street
kahunapulej: Some buildings have no vehicle access.
kahunapulej: Der mittelalterliche Synagoge
kahunapulej: Cobblestone street in Marburg
kahunapulej: Marburg Castle Clock
kahunapulej: Relief art at the castle entrance
kahunapulej: Castle Courtyard Art
kahunapulej: Landgrafenshloss Courtyard
kahunapulej: Outdoor Cafe Seating