kahunapulej: Lote Bible Distribution
kahunapulej: Bringing out the Lote Scriptures
kahunapulej: Reading their new Lote New Testaments
kahunapulej: Lote New Testament back at home
kahunapulej: Child with Lote New Testament
kahunapulej: Lote Bible Parade
kahunapulej: Normal way to carry a backpack?
kahunapulej: Kodiak short take-off at Uvol
kahunapulej: Graceful balance and a strong neck
kahunapulej: Children like to see their picture
kahunapulej: Walking to the river
kahunapulej: Festive Clothing
kahunapulej: More than meets the eye
kahunapulej: Idols desecrated
kahunapulej: Lote Bible translators Greg and Mary Pearson
kahunapulej: The precious Word of God to the Lote people
kahunapulej: Priest rejoices with Lote New Testament
kahunapulej: Happy handshake
kahunapulej: Sharing the Word of God
kahunapulej: Showing off the new Bible
kahunapulej: A Lote Mask Dance
kahunapulej: Hearty handshake
kahunapulej: Manly hugs and tears
kahunapulej: Congratulations from friends
kahunapulej: Decorated Dancers at Bible Dedication
kahunapulej: Parade at the Lote Bible Launching
kahunapulej: Celebration dancing in Lote land
kahunapulej: Ol manki antap long diwai
kahunapulej: Sweet victory
kahunapulej: To help remember the occasion