.ks.1.: 15 mins. oil painting.
.ks.1.: 綠灰與硃砂綠。
.ks.1.: first oil paint on wooden plate.
.ks.1.: 用個夾啫,都畀人跟,唉~~~
.ks.1.: the best combination is the cheap brush with bad skills.
.ks.1.: 打一場軟仗,打一場軟仗,打一場軟仗。
.ks.1.: the base color.
.ks.1.: when my wording become a snake.
.ks.1.: strokes and music.
.ks.1.: to start the twenty-fourth piece.
.ks.1.: 10 mins. oil painting.
.ks.1.: several minutes oil painting on 10 x 10cm canvas panel.
.ks.1.: black as the background.
.ks.1.: 用了大約七點五小時完成油畫一幅,感覺舒暢,可安心晚飯。
.ks.1.: 重新上路!
.ks.1.: 幾個星期五都落雨,無滑板,唯有畫畫。
.ks.1.: 畫可以重畫修改,有些不能。
.ks.1.: 長州有飄色,畫室填顏色。
.ks.1.: raining outside, dirty inside.
.ks.1.: [求教學]點樣左手拍片,右手畫嘢?
.ks.1.: new brush, old painting.
.ks.1.: time to clean my color palette.
.ks.1.: my painting under magnifying glass.
.ks.1.: 假若畫得高興,那怕只是填滿單色的背景。
.ks.1.: these colors are on my latest painting.
.ks.1.: 畫畫用皺紋膠紙是咪出貓嘅一種?
.ks.1.: 「就這麼輕鬆甚至有點隨便的來場約會吧 / 讓我們手牽著手不用分享祕密亂唱著歌babalaba」。
.ks.1.: 沮喪。
.ks.1.: 記憶和肢體都受傷了。
.ks.1.: recycle canvas, who's next?