Masao (by all means, please be nosy): God bless you, I love you, Thank you
Masao (by all means, please be nosy): There are moments when one has to choose between living one's own life, fully, entirely, completely or dragging out some false, shallow, degrading existence that the world in its hypocrisy demands.
Masao (by all means, please be nosy): What would you do if you weren't afraid?
Masao (by all means, please be nosy): If you're gonna jump, then jump
Masao (by all means, please be nosy): For a life that's fit for living
Masao (by all means, please be nosy): Now I live in oblivion
Masao (by all means, please be nosy): My life is an endless succession of saying goodbye
Masao (by all means, please be nosy): Have you ever had a nickname?
Masao (by all means, please be nosy): I don't mind you comin' here and wastin' all my time
Masao (by all means, please be nosy): Give me what I want , I need everything I can take