kevinardo1: I say, Captain, buy a flower off a poor girl.
kevinardo1: Really, sir, if you are a detective, you need not begin protecting me against molestation by young women until I ask you.
kevinardo1: And how are all your people down at Selsey?
kevinardo1: Ought to be ashamed of himself, unmanly coward!
kevinardo1: With a little bit of bloomin' luck!
kevinardo1: Mrs. Peirce and a Butler with a 1912 iPad.
kevinardo1: Our Music Director, Freddy!
kevinardo1: Therel As the girl very properly says: Gam!
kevinardo1: Mrs. Pierce and Eliza
kevinardo1: Oh come Higgins, be resonable.
kevinardo1: I walk over everybody?
kevinardo1: By George, Eliza, the streets will be strewn with the bodies of men shooting themselves for your sake before I've done with you.
kevinardo1: Come for your daughter?
kevinardo1: Better give him a fiver?
kevinardo1: Two subjects
kevinardo1: How do you do?
kevinardo1: What's to become of me?
kevinardo1: On the Street where you live
kevinardo1: Come along, Alfie
kevinardo1: It's just a few more hours...