kafski: Zoo sign
kafski: Looking for food
kafski: Giraffe
kafski: Giraffes
kafski: Cool coat
kafski: View from the zoo - Broodmoor in distance
kafski: Broodmoor from the zoo
kafski: Walking towards the elephant center
kafski: Elephants
kafski: elephant
kafski: Ha!
kafski: Awesome sign
kafski: Big Ass Bear
kafski: Bear
kafski: The bear walks
kafski: Pair 'o bears
kafski: Bear
kafski: Huge feet. Huge claws
kafski: View from tower at zoo
kafski: Pretty tree
kafski: Sleeping hippos
kafski: Hello there
kafski: Keeping watch
kafski: Cool goat
kafski: On the rocks
kafski: Giraffes again