NASA Goddard Photo and Video: Buzz Aldrin salutes the U.S. Flag
Zorac&Visar: 四季桜と紅葉
NASA Goddard Photo and Video: From "Pursuit of Light" - The Moon
elmar35: at night
elmar35: spring light-2
SadAgus: Mount Bromo
NASA Goddard Photo and Video: Earth Waves at Cassini
rampx: refraction
wandaaaa: as real as it gets...
Kohei Ueda (f.k.a. Lindeberg Feller): National Capitol Columns
Kohei Ueda (f.k.a. Lindeberg Feller): 蜜集め - Nectar hunt
Kohei Ueda (f.k.a. Lindeberg Feller): 7:38pm -- Welcoming home
sanpoto: Cloud sea