Kaeru: Kars' silly walk
Kaeru: Train art
Kaeru: Walking to the plane
Kaeru: Safety instructions
Kaeru: Who decided on the colour yellow?
Kaeru: The view from our room, looking *right*
Kaeru: The view from our room, looking *left*
Kaeru: The view from our room, looking *down*
Kaeru: St Paul's Within-the-Walls
Kaeru: Walking towards Da Ricci
Kaeru: Street musician
Kaeru: Da Ricci's place-mat
Kaeru: Me, ready to start my first meal in Italy
Kaeru: Via Nazionale at dusk
Kaeru: View from our room in the evening
Kaeru: Silly red phone
Kaeru: Hotel Elide
Kaeru: Emergency gear in the Roman subway
Kaeru: Graffiti on a subway train
Kaeru: Reading the paper, my Italian is *that* good
Kaeru: Crowded subway train
Kaeru: Swiss guards at a Vatican entrance
Kaeru: Crowds around Vatican City
Kaeru: Entering Piazza San Pietro
Kaeru: Piazza San Pietro; shock & awe
Kaeru: Piazza San Pietro and the basilica
Kaeru: Piazza San Pietro and the basilica
Kaeru: Piazza San Pietro
Kaeru: St Peter's basilica
Kaeru: Me on the Piazza San Pietro