kabrah1000: before the run
kabrah1000: before the run
kabrah1000: the start
kabrah1000: homan
kabrah1000: the finish
kabrah1000: me during...
kabrah1000: after
kabrah1000: after
kabrah1000: after
kabrah1000: lawrence and devon
kabrah1000: devon and homan
kabrah1000: handsome
kabrah1000: who is that guy in the back?
kabrah1000: sunrise
kabrah1000: sunset, after a storm
kabrah1000: sunset after a storm
kabrah1000: hello, handsome
kabrah1000: setting up while the sun goes down
kabrah1000: bruising
kabrah1000: hello
kabrah1000: homan
kabrah1000: breakfast in the morning
kabrah1000: us, trekking out to see the falls
kabrah1000: difficulty: strenuous
kabrah1000: amicalola falls
kabrah1000: top of amicalola falls
kabrah1000: the falls from farther down the path
kabrah1000: i love that face of yours