kabrah1000: my zombie target
kabrah1000: closeup of the zombie target
kabrah1000: domo cake, made by christina
kabrah1000: andy blowing out candles
kabrah1000: cup on scott's truck
kabrah1000: road to desert museum
kabrah1000: metal lizard
kabrah1000: tarantula
kabrah1000: this was supposedly to simulate what it was like to have bat ears
kabrah1000: sloth skeleton
kabrah1000: this is supposedly what happened to earth however many billions of years ago
kabrah1000: aurichalite
kabrah1000: fiesty little guy
kabrah1000: squirrel
kabrah1000: hummingbird
kabrah1000: another hummingbird
kabrah1000: sleeping fox
kabrah1000: sleeping mouse
kabrah1000: sunset in tuscon