kabrah1000: i love my toyota
kabrah1000: on the back of a truck
kabrah1000: closeup of the weird truck
kabrah1000: putting together boxed furniture
kabrah1000: blurry picture of atlantic station
kabrah1000: "new" furniture
kabrah1000: this is our side yard
kabrah1000: front door
kabrah1000: walkways
kabrah1000: walkways
kabrah1000: building 2
kabrah1000: heading out of downtown
kabrah1000: the westin
kabrah1000: downtown
kabrah1000: downtown
kabrah1000: street level
kabrah1000: peek-a-boo
kabrah1000: fishes
kabrah1000: looking down 11 floors
kabrah1000: looking up another few floors
kabrah1000: the glass elevator
kabrah1000: the apparel mart
kabrah1000: looking down at the bottom of apparel mart
kabrah1000: building 3, the apparel mart
kabrah1000: from the building 2/3 bridge
kabrah1000: bridge to building 3
kabrah1000: tall building
kabrah1000: building 1