Kables: Quack
Kables: Dead Seal Again
Kables: Bird and Seal
Kables: Go Chipmunk!
Kables: Mmmm . . . Seed.
Kables: My New Best Friend
Kables: Bee!
Kables: Dead Seal. Yuck. Gross. Dude.
Kables: Bird Feeder, Biatch
Kables: Bee
Kables: Whiskers
Kables: I Am the Mighty Queen
Kables: Asleep
Kables: Kili
Kables: NYC Cops
Kables: Spider
Kables: Animals With Lights
Kables: Me and Cows at the Clay County Fair, Iowa
Kables: Stuck to the Tape
Kables: Dancin' Bug
Kables: Yeah, Get That TV
Kables: Gatsby