kaarip: the train station near my hotel
kaarip: hamburg
kaarip: hamburg
kaarip: hamburg
kaarip: hamburg
kaarip: P6210143
kaarip: hamburg
kaarip: P6210146
kaarip: more Hamburg
kaarip: sunset over Hamburg
kaarip: adobe sign outside the office
kaarip: side of the building
kaarip: further away from the office
kaarip: huge ships go past the building
kaarip: the river the office is on
kaarip: another shot of the building Adobe is in.
kaarip: across from the office
kaarip: kaari next to the adobe office sign
kaarip: kaari next to the adobe office sign
kaarip: sunset over hamburg
kaarip: sunset over hamburg
kaarip: sign in a german bathroom
kaarip: toilet in germany