Udayan Sarathi: THe PRodUCe OF INDiA
Udayan Sarathi: and sLeep TO drEam to AchiEVe what we CAnt wAkiNG uP
Udayan Sarathi: damN rail ROKo nd IM readING it NOw :P
Udayan Sarathi: PEeka BOO
Udayan Sarathi: the dAIlY CIty lIFe
Udayan Sarathi: the pIper
Udayan Sarathi: "Let's get it done."
Udayan Sarathi: “It ought to be lovely to be old, To be full of the peace that comes with experience And wrinkled ripe fulfillment”
Udayan Sarathi: Happiness .. u don't have to see them clearly always , u jsst need to feel it ...
Udayan Sarathi: smoking out
Udayan Sarathi: Getting Closer to Godliness
Udayan Sarathi: But she's always a woman to me
Udayan Sarathi: Road side Cutting
Udayan Sarathi: Smiles at Anganwadi :)
Udayan Sarathi: Old Age Support
Udayan Sarathi: Greet your Customer with a smile
Udayan Sarathi: Doddering Pulchritude
Udayan Sarathi: Boys on the Run
Udayan Sarathi: Far from Home !!
Udayan Sarathi: Smoking it out
Udayan Sarathi: When Winter Sun sets in the golden light