peplexed: The royal lion hunt
peplexed: The royal lion hunt (2)
peplexed: The royal lion hunt (3)
peplexed: The royal lion hunt (4)
peplexed: The royal lion hunt (5)
peplexed: The royal lion hunt (6)
peplexed: Marble figurine of a woman
peplexed: Mask from the Sanctuary of Artemis Orthia
peplexed: Mask from the Sanctuary of Artemis Orthia (2)
peplexed: Mask from the Sanctuary of Artemis Orthia (3)
peplexed: Mask from the Sanctuary of Artemis Orthia (4)
peplexed: Mask from the Sanctuary of Artemis Orthia (5)
peplexed: Three Nereids
peplexed: Three Nereids (2)
peplexed: Three Nereids (3)
peplexed: P1020466
peplexed: Doric order of the Parthenon
peplexed: Doric order of the Parthenon
peplexed: Naked youth - perhaps portraying Ilissos River of Athens
peplexed: Naked youth - perhaps portraying Ilissos River of Athens (2)
peplexed: Parthenon sculptures
peplexed: From the Parthenon
peplexed: P1020475
peplexed: Demeter
peplexed: Athena and Hephaistos
peplexed: Marshall directing traffic
peplexed: Centaur rearing over dying human Lapith
peplexed: Explanation: Centaur and Lapith
peplexed: Centaur rearing up to strike the Lapith
peplexed: P1020486