schurr.keith: Ashley
schurr.keith: My friend Lynn Johnston Aka "Bird"
schurr.keith: Kate
schurr.keith: Blue is so my favorite color!
schurr.keith: Ashley Looking Amazing
schurr.keith: My Sister-in-law Rayme
schurr.keith: Ali 2016-09-22 22.11.08
schurr.keith: My Beloved Wife
schurr.keith: Still the best friend I ever had, 13 years at my side she is all I have left.
schurr.keith: Violet_085346
schurr.keith: The love of my life
schurr.keith: Ashley smiling at me 20150421_163051.jpg
schurr.keith: Violet _1492510639832-01
schurr.keith: Destiny and Abigail IMG_20170411_230036-01
schurr.keith: Ashley_1493604622835
schurr.keith: Ashley
schurr.keith: Rayme
schurr.keith: Rayme and her cousins up visiting from Californa