rocksteady0314: Baby leatherbacks hatching
rocksteady0314: Baby olive ridley
rocksteady0314: Sunset at Punta Coyote
rocksteady0314: Sunset at Punta Coyote
rocksteady0314: Baby leatherback
rocksteady0314: Ecstatic to see my first leatherback
rocksteady0314: Ecstatic to see my first leatherback
rocksteady0314: Me, Kate, and Diego with our kite
rocksteady0314: Me with the kite we made
rocksteady0314: Kate with the kite we made
rocksteady0314: Undeveloped turtle egg
rocksteady0314: Albino turtle
rocksteady0314: Fishy fish
rocksteady0314: Go, babies, go!
rocksteady0314: Go, babies, go!
rocksteady0314: I love tidepools. a lot.
rocksteady0314: I love tidepools. a lot.
rocksteady0314: My favorite tree
rocksteady0314: Local sustainable fishery
rocksteady0314: Local sustainable fishery
rocksteady0314: Local sustainable fishery
rocksteady0314: Local sustainable fishery
rocksteady0314: Eating watermelon in the mangrove
rocksteady0314: On my walk to town
rocksteady0314: On my walk to town
rocksteady0314: On my walk to town
rocksteady0314: Coconut Water!
rocksteady0314: Lora Tortugitas (Olive Ridley Babies)
rocksteady0314: Playa Coyote
rocksteady0314: My first adult green turtle!