Ko:(char *)hook: Arshad and me
Ko:(char *)hook: Me and Teresa
Ko:(char *)hook: Me and Teresa
Ko:(char *)hook: Eden and Eric
Ko:(char *)hook: Me and the Congressman
Ko:(char *)hook: IMG_0554.JPG
Ko:(char *)hook: Jerry and Arshad
Ko:(char *)hook: Jerry is interviewed
Ko:(char *)hook: It's official
Ko:(char *)hook: McNerney + Red Vines = Crazy Delicious
Ko:(char *)hook: Harrisson, me and Lauren
Ko:(char *)hook: IMG_0511.JPG
Ko:(char *)hook: IMG_0504.JPG
Ko:(char *)hook: Erica and me
Ko:(char *)hook: Most of the Stockton office
Ko:(char *)hook: Kelly and Mary McNerney
Ko:(char *)hook: Congratulatory headlock
Ko:(char *)hook: IMG_0471.JPG
Ko:(char *)hook: IMG_0428.JPG
Ko:(char *)hook: IMG_0426.JPG
Ko:(char *)hook: IMG_0409.JPG
Ko:(char *)hook: Jerry speaks
Ko:(char *)hook: Introduction
Ko:(char *)hook: Congressman McNerney
Ko:(char *)hook: IMG_0354.JPG
Ko:(char *)hook: Jerry and Polly
Ko:(char *)hook: Claire bear
Ko:(char *)hook: IMG_0328.JPG
Ko:(char *)hook: IMG_0303.JPG