Ko:(char *)hook: King's Cross Station
Ko:(char *)hook: Prince's Street East hostel
Ko:(char *)hook: Edinburgh University
Ko:(char *)hook: Scottish Wilderness
Ko:(char *)hook: A lagoon
Ko:(char *)hook: I don't know what this is
Ko:(char *)hook: The group ponders the fall
Ko:(char *)hook: A stone bridge over a creek
Ko:(char *)hook: Tree patterns
Ko:(char *)hook: The Pass of Killiecrankie
Ko:(char *)hook: Michelle and the Pass
Ko:(char *)hook: Me and the Pass
Ko:(char *)hook: The Castle of Blair Atholl
Ko:(char *)hook: Standing stone
Ko:(char *)hook: Doggie style
Ko:(char *)hook: Michelle and Alison
Ko:(char *)hook: Threesome
Ko:(char *)hook: Clava cairns
Ko:(char *)hook: Another cairn
Ko:(char *)hook: A bit more than an octothorpe
Ko:(char *)hook: Culloden Viaduct
Ko:(char *)hook: Culloden Moor
Ko:(char *)hook: Britney's "flycatcher"
Ko:(char *)hook: (Not) Boleskine House
Ko:(char *)hook: Obligatory Nessie pic
Ko:(char *)hook: Urquhart Castle
Ko:(char *)hook: Brigadoon bridge
Ko:(char *)hook: Hillside in silhouette