k8tron: Miss Boots
k8tron: Azalea garden
k8tron: View to the lake
k8tron: The azaleas are blooming already.
k8tron: Still beautiful in winter
k8tron: rusty
k8tron: Cape Honeysuckle
k8tron: Camellia
k8tron: Camellia
k8tron: Camellia garden
k8tron: Still beautiful
k8tron: Front garden
k8tron: Staghorn
k8tron: Bouganvillea
k8tron: Side path to front door
k8tron: White azaleas and bromeliad garden
k8tron: I love the plants in Florida
k8tron: Amazon Lily
k8tron: Amazon Lily
k8tron: Palms
k8tron: Palms
k8tron: The little house
k8tron: Town meeting
k8tron: Having a chat...
k8tron: Azaleas with view to the lake
k8tron: She doesn't look very happy...
k8tron: Down the road
k8tron: Hanging palm
k8tron: Plants, plant and more plants
k8tron: Smith's Nursery