k8tron: ??
k8tron: succulent
k8tron: Cute little guy...
k8tron: Firespike
k8tron: Argiope aurantia
k8tron: Butterfly
k8tron: Butterfly
k8tron: I have no idea!
k8tron: The fly
k8tron: Black horse fly (Tabanus atratus)?
k8tron: Acalypha reptans
k8tron: Succulent
k8tron: Agapanthus
k8tron: Poncirus trifoliata
k8tron: id please
k8tron: Succulents
k8tron: Angelonia
k8tron: Angelonia
k8tron: ???
k8tron: Pepper, what type?
k8tron: Euphorbia reemerging?
k8tron: Dicentra eximia aka fringed or wild bleeding heart
k8tron: Mmmm...love this succulent
k8tron: Love the spent flowers - Phlomis fruticosa (Jerusalem Sage)
k8tron: Funghi
k8tron: Parlor palm
k8tron: Dahlia
k8tron: tulip
k8tron: Xerosicyos danguyi/Silver Dollar plant