K6GST: I'm not sure what this is [01251-001]
K6GST: Christine photographing the Bay [01251-003]
K6GST: Christine at the Verdi monument [01251-005]
K6GST: Benches, pollarded trees, and the De Young Museum [01251-006]
K6GST: Christine at the First Presbyterian Church, San Luis Obispo [01251-008]
K6GST: Christine and Anya at the carousel [01251-010]
K6GST: 735 [01251-011]
K6GST: Christine and Giorgio's motorbike [01251-012]
K6GST: Dore vase [01251-013]
K6GST: Christine photographing sphinxes [01251-014]
K6GST: Dore vase and De Young Museum [01251-015]
K6GST: Quixote and Sancho Panza kneeling before their creator [01251-016]
K6GST: Conservatory of Flowers [01251-017]
K6GST: Guys on their way to a Primus concert [01251-018]
K6GST: Gladiator statue [01251-019]
K6GST: De Young Museum cantilever [01251-020]
K6GST: Buddha in the Japanese Tea Garden [01251-021]
K6GST: Christine atop the soribashi [01251-022]
K6GST: Tree in the Japanese Tea Garden [01251-023]
K6GST: Mother and daughter in the Japanese Tea Garden [01251-024]
K6GST: Stable from the moving train [01251-025]
K6GST: Train nerd taking a picture [01251-026]
K6GST: Anya waiting for the train [01251-027]
K6GST: Harvey Milk Center [01251-028]
K6GST: Beach, San Francisco [01251-029]
K6GST: San Francisco Lawn Bowling Club [01251-030]