Emptynest Sightseers (k4♥wea}: The calm before the storm
Emptynest Sightseers (k4♥wea}: Smile - it's the key that fits the lock to everybodies heart :-)
Emptynest Sightseers (k4♥wea}: Don't cry over spilt milk
Emptynest Sightseers (k4♥wea}: Burn the candle at both ends
Emptynest Sightseers (k4♥wea}: Clinging onto summer
Emptynest Sightseers (k4♥wea}: Bubbles and stripes
Emptynest Sightseers (k4♥wea}: “The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched, they must be felt with the heart” - Helen Keller